The Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) has begun its formal review and revision process for the 2013 Qualified Allocation Plan, and recently released a summary of proposed changes. MHFA’s Board will review the final QAP and procedural manual revisions at its March 22 meeting. Proposed changes include:
- Require new construction proposals to utilize the floating tax credit percentage rate;
- Revise targeting of the State Designated Basis Boost;
- Combine Large Family Housing, Single Room Occupancy and Special Populations into one Household Targeting scoring criterion;
- Revise Project Location — Top Growth Communities scoring criterion;
- Remove the duplicative Regulatory Cost;
- Avoidance/Cost Reduction scoring criterion;
- Revise the Local/Philanthropic Contributions scoring criterion to incorporate federal contributions;
- Remove the Non-Financial Readiness to Proceed items from the Readiness to Proceed scoring criterion;
- Remove the Underserved Populations scoring criterion and make it a threshold requirement;
- Revise the Temporary Priority – Foreclosed Properties scoring criterion;
- Combine Preservation of Federally Assisted and Preservation of Existing Housing Tax Credits as separate options into one scoring criterion and add clarifying language to Preservation of Existing Housing Tax Credits;
- Revise the Rental Assistance scoring criteria to provide maximum points for projects with 100% Project Based Rental Assistance Contracts and reduce the term of the extended commitment from five years to four years;
- Replace Regulatory Cost Avoidance/Cost Reduction with Cost Containment — Per Unit Cost Limits scoring criterion;
- Set a Preservation award ceiling at 2/3 of each regional pool;
- Require that Housing Tax Credit developments without RFP funding adhere to architectural design and sustainable housing design requirements consistent with RFP Design standards;
- Remove the requirement that a nonprofit organization applying to the Nonprofit Set-aside must be local, organized and incorporated in the state of Minnesota.
Click here to read the summary of proposed changes and QAP