The US Senate Transportation-HUD Appropriations Subcommittee marked up and reported its FY 2012 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill on September 21.  A summary released by the Committee reports the following funding decisions:

  • $17.14 billion for the renewal of current housing choice vouchers and $1.4 billion for program administration;
  • $75 million for 11,000 new HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) vouchers for homeless veterans;
  • $5 million to support a homeless demonstration program;
  • $1.9 billion for the public housing capital fund, a decrease of $165 million from the FY-2011 enacted levels;
  • $4 billion for the public housing operating fund, a decrease in $655 million from the FY-2011 enacted levels;
  • The language allows the Secretary to offset PHA’s excess reserves, but limits the allowable offset to $750 million;
  • $9.4 billion for the project-based section 8 program, including over $9.1 billion for the renewal of all expiring project-based contracts for a full 12 months. This level of funding is $161 million above the fiscal year 2011 enacted level;
  • $1.9 billion for homeless assistance grants. This level of funding is equal to the fiscal year 2011 enacted level;
  • $650 million for Native American housing block grants;
  • $2.85 billion is provided for CDBG grant funding for States and communities across the Nation. This is $485 million below the fiscal year 2011 enacted level;
  • $1 billion for the HOME Investment Partnership program, which is $607 million less than the fiscal year 2011 enacted level;
  • $90 million within HUD’s Community Development Fund to promote integrated housing and transportation planning;
  • $120 million for HUD’s Choice Neighborhoods Initiative. This initiative will expand the successful HOPE VI program. Last year, $65 million was included for Choice Neighborhoods as a set-aside within HOPE VI.

Summary Chart:


FY-2011 Enacted

WH FY-2012 Budget

House Sub-Committee 9/8/11

Senate Appropriations Committee 9/21/11 Summary











PJ-Based Section 8





Housing Choice Vouchers





Public Housing Operating Funds





Public Housing Capital Funds





Homeless Assistance Grants





Section 202





Section 811




















Homeless Demonstration Program





Rental Assistance Demonstration






Sustainable Communities $100,000,000 $150,000,000 0 $90,000,000