On Thursday, October 6th, the Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity Subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee held a hearing entitled, “The Obama Administration’s Response to the Housing Crisis.” The hearing examined the Administration’s response to the housing crisis, including new proposals announced by the President during his recent speech to a joint session of Congress. Witnesses included:

  • Tammye Treviño, Administrator, Housing and Community Facilities, RD
  • Carol Galante, Acting Federal Housing Administration Commissioner and Assistant Secretary for Housing, HUD
  • Darius Kingsley, Deputy Chief, Homeownership Preservation Office, Dept. of Treasury
  • Neil Barofsky, Senior Fellow, New York University School of Law
  • Dr. Mark A. Calabria, Director of Financial Regulation Studies, Cato Institute
  • Laurie F. Goodman, Senior Managing Director, Amherst Securities Group LP
  • Andrew Jakabovics, Senior Director of Policy Development and Research, Enterprise Community Partners

To view a webcast of the hearing as well as written testimony of the witnesses, click here.