The Wisconsin Housing & Economic Development Authority has issued a memorandum for multifamily housing developers intending to apply for the 2012 round of low-income housing tax credits that provides some clarification on three specific aspects of the 2012 competitive funding round:
- Applicants applying under the Rural and Supportive Housing set-asides may assume a project basis boost of 20% regardless of their location. Applicants in all other set-asides may assume a basis boost of 15%.
- WHEDA will convene a LIHTC QAP Advisory Board to explore increased incentives for projects linked with job growth, job retention, and economic development in general. Special discretion is given to WHEDA to make allocations irrespective of points in FY-2012 for this purpose.
- WHEDA will award points for support letters from major employers located less than two miles from the proposed development.