The Transportation, Housing, Urban Development and Related Agencies section of the CR contains a total of $55.5 billion, a $12.3 billion, or 18%, reduction from fiscal year 2010 levels, and a reduction of $13.2 billion, or 20%, from the President’s fiscal year 2011 request.

For the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Community Development Fund program was reduced $942 million, for a fiscal year 2011 funding level of $3.5 billion. The Section 8 program is funded at a level of $18.4 billion with $16.7 billion for voucher renewals, $1.45 billion for administrative fees, $35 million for Section 811 mainstream voucher renewals, and $50 million for HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) vouchers.

The following table shows reduction in funding of select HUD programs in the proposed continuing resolution to fund the federal government through September 30, 2011.  The table compares the CR to the 1.) FY-2010 enacted funding levels and 2.) the President’s proposed FY-2011 funding request in.  The table does not reflect the 0.2% across the board cut to non-defense accounts.

FY-2011 Continuing Resolution Reductions (in millions of dollars)

Line Item

FY-10 Enacted

FY-11 Request

VASH Vouchers



Public Housing Operating Fund






Public Housing Capital Fund



Community Development Fund



HOME Investment Partnerships



Brownfields Redevelopment



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