Today the White House released its FY-2011 Budget Proposal.  This year’s HUD budget provides a gross spending (program) level of $48 billion, an increase of over $900 million over 2010 and a net level of $42 billion, a decrease of $1.1 billion from 2010. To help deliver on the President’s commitment to reduce spending, funding for several grant programs has been reduced below recent enacted levels and increases were made only for the neediest Americans. Budget highlights include:

Discretionary Budget (all figures in Millions)

FY-2010 (Actual)

FY-2011 (Cont. Resol.)

FY-2012 WH Proposal







Sustainable Housing & Communities Grants



Transformation of Rental Assistance Demonstration Program



Section 202



Section 811



Housing Choice Vouchers



Project-based Section 8



Homeless Assistance Grants



Native American Housing Block Grants









Public Housing Operating Fund



Public Housing Capital Fund



The budget would also fund the National Housing Trust Fund at $1billion.

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