Snowed in? Washington, DC got over two feet of snow last weekend and we are looking at as much as another 10 inches of snow tomorrow – so much for living in the South! But just because we can’t dig our cars out doesn’t mean you can’t plan your trip for an upcoming NH&RA event in a much WARMER climate!

NH&RA Annual Meeting
Ritz-Carlton South Beach
Miami Beach, FL
March 10-13, 2010

NCAHMA Spring Underwriting Forum
Intercontinental Hotel
New Orleans, LA
April 7-8, 2010

These events are not just about warm locales – NH&RA and NCAHMA events draw the most sophisticated developers and affordable housing professionals in the business. Our combination of transaction-oriented programming, information sharing and outstanding networking activities make these can’t miss events.

For details on all of NH&RA’s upcoming events, visit NH&RA’s conference website. Questions? Contact Thom Amdur at [email protected] or (202) 939-1753.