Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) will hold public meetings to discuss implementation of House Bill 2436, the Housing Opportunity Bill on

  • Monday, September 21 in Roseburg, OR
  •  Wednesday, September 23 in Bend, OR
  • Thursday, September 24 in Pendleton, OR
  •  Monday, September 28 in Portland, OR

HB 2436 increases the recording fee for certain real property documents by $15 and will provide an estimated $15.1 million in revenues during the 2009-2011 biennium.

As directed by this legislation, the new revenue will flow into three accounts of the Oregon Housing Fund:

  • Emergency Housing Account (EHA), $1.5 million. OHCS currently administers EHA to assist people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. These funds are allocated through community action agencies for a variety of community-based strategies used for addressing local homelessness issues.
  • Home Ownership Assistance Account (HOAP), $2.1 million. HOAP is used to expand homeownership for low- and very low-income families. HOAP resources have traditionally supported activities such as down payment assistance, education and outreach, and housing rehabilitation. In addition to its existing mandates, the Housing Opportunity Bill calls for HOAP to support a comprehensive strategy to reverse the decreasing rates of homeownership amongst minority populations.
  • General Housing Account (GHAP), $11.5 million.  Funding for the newly established GHAP will support construction and rehabilitation of affordable multifamily housing, as well as support for external partners in building organizational capacity to deliver affordable housing across the state.

In addition OCHS is currently seeking written feedback on the legislation. Send your email or letter to:

Lisa Joyce

Director of Policy and Communication

Oregon Housing and Community Services

725 Summer St NE, Suite B

Salem OR 97301

[email protected]


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